You could sell more.

Unfortunately, no one understands your products.

Content creation for complex sales
Talk about your product/service to an expert.

Our expertise in content marketing at the service of your sales.  

No more products too complex to be sold

Tailor-made content for complex sales.

Without engagement.

Import or generation of the contact file

Implementation of the Akidel & SETUP customer area (website tracking, warmup...)

Integration of customer content (in text or .HTML)

Distribution of the Newsletter on the Akidel customer area and real-time monitoring of results

Final analysis and return of results: .csv export or Zapier integration

* Without engagement

The most popular

Writing of 3 blog-type articles, 500 words or approximately 2 pages per article

Definition of titles and keywords to include for each article

SETUP: use of the client template or creation of a template.

Correction by a linguistic expert

SEO optimization of each article

Delivery of the 3 Articles in PDF & Word format

* Without engagement

Visual design of the Newsletter and integration in .HTML on the Akidel platform

Writing of all the writings of the Newsletter (FR/EN)

Import or generation of the contact file

SETUP: website tracking, exclusion lists, preheating of email addresses...

Distribution of the Newsletter on the Akidel customer area and real-time monitoring of results

Final analysis and return of results: .csv export or Zapier integration

* Without engagement

Import or generation of the contact file

Implementation of the Akidel & SETUP customer area (website tracking, warmup...)

Integration of customer content (in text or .HTML)

Distribution of the Newsletter on the Akidel customer area and real-time monitoring of results

Final analysis and return of results: .csv export or Zapier integration

* Without engagement

The most popular

Writing of 3 blog-type articles, 500 words or approximately 2 pages per article

Definition of titles and keywords to include for each article

SETUP: use of the client template or creation of a template.

Correction by a linguistic expert

SEO optimization of each article

Delivery of the 3 Articles in PDF & Word format

* Without engagement

Visual design of the Newsletter and integration in .HTML on the Akidel platform

Writing of all the writings of the Newsletter (FR/EN)

Import or generation of the contact file

SETUP: website tracking, exclusion lists, preheating of email addresses...

Distribution of the Newsletter on the Akidel customer area and real-time monitoring of results

Final analysis and return of results: .csv export or Zapier integration

* Without engagement

Newsletters, Social networks, blog, white paper.

Tailor-made content for complex sales.

Without engagement.

Transform your leads, boost your influence and your expertise with a professional quality white paper written for your company.

Definition of the white paper plan – 15 Pages max.

Drafting of the white paper – 15 Pages max.

Layout of the white paper – 15 Pages max.

Restitution of the white paper, images and links integrated into the article via PDF & Word. 

Option: Implementation of your collection of email addresses and distribution of an automatic scenario on your "white paper list". 

*Price without commitment.

Optimize your online presence with professional-quality blog content, tailored to your business and captivating your audience.

Creation of your Blog content strategy and your editorial planning (Blog + LinkedIn)

Keyword research, competitor analysis and definition of target keywords

Writing blog posts

Correction of articles by a linguistic expert and SEO optimization

Restitution of articles, images and links integrated into the article via PDF & Word. 

*Price without commitment.

Transform your leads, boost your influence and your expertise with a professional quality white paper written for your company by our writing experts.

Definition of the white paper plan – no limit.

Drafting of the white paper – no limit.

Layout of the white paper – no limit.

Restitution of the white paper, images and links integrated into the article via PDF & Word. 

Option: Implementation of your collection of email addresses and distribution of an automatic scenario on your "white paper list". 

*Price without commitment.

Transform your leads, boost your influence and your expertise with a professional quality white paper written for your company.
Definition of the white paper plan? 15 Pages max.

Writing the white paper? 15 Pages max.

Layout of the white paper? 15 Pages max.

Restitution of the white paper, images and links integrated into the article via PDF & Word.

Option: Implementation of your collection of email addresses and distribution of an automatic scenario on your "white paper list".

*Without engagement.

Optimize your online presence with professional-quality blog content, tailored to your business and captivating your audience.

Creation of your Blog content strategy and your editorial planning (Blog + LinkedIn)

Keyword research, competitor analysis and definition of target keywords

Writing blog posts

Correction of articles by a linguistic expert and SEO optimization

Restitution of articles, images and links integrated into the article via PDF & Word.

*Without engagement.

Transform your leads, boost your influence and your expertise with a professional quality white paper written for your company by our writing experts.

  Definition of the white paper plan? no limit.

Writing the white paper? no limit.

Layout of the white paper? no limit.

Restitution of the white paper, images and links integrated into the article via PDF & Word.

Option: Implementation of your collection of email addresses and distribution of an automatic scenario on your "white paper list".

*Without engagement.

They have accelerated and consolidated their business with our platform & digital growth agency btob AKIDEL

Our clients have appreciated the quality of our services and the concrete feedback from their btob digital campaigns.

acquisition btob, agence digitale btob à Lille, prospection btob,

The team is young, dynamic, voluntary, attentive to its customers. I had the opportunity to use the services of AKIDEL and the empathy and the search for excellence of the whole team allowed us to deal effectively with the challenges encountered to ultimately offer us a customer experience and a positive return on investment.

Richard F.

Vice President Sales & Country Manager, France & EMEA

Lighthouse quote my opinion

What “talent” this team! I recommend 200 %!
? a monitoring tool, ergonomic, easy to use,
? A responsive and efficient team,
? A tailor-made service that generates leads and allows you to develop your business!
cheer !!!! thank you all for being with us for the organization of

Christine J.

Industry Advisor & Professional Events Organizer

Lighthouse quote my opinion

The AKIDEL team has a very appreciable dynamism and sense of service.

I entrusted them with a prospecting campaign which was successful thanks to the methodology for calibrating the commercial approach, and the ability to adjust the strategy according to the first feedback.

Damien G.

Serial Entrepreneur, Advisor, Investor

Lighthouse quote my opinion

AKIDEL is a dynamic company at the service of its customers. Riad (the founder) and his team are very professional and seek the best solution, at the best cost and at the best timing to make his client succeed in achieving his objectives. They don't give up! I recommend.

Nathalie N.

Founder & Director

A question ?
A demand ?

Questions ? A project ?

An expert will contact you shortly.

Or contact our content marketing team to learn more.

But above all.

Your Content Marketing diagnosis.

Audit -> Analysis -> Action Plan.

5 Steps to Improve Your Business Growth Using Content Creation | Content Marketing Diagnosis – Akidel

We review every aspect of your content marketing strategy, including social media, blog, newsletters, white papers, etc. to provide you with specific recommendations to boost your business growth. 

Our BtoB content marketing diagnosis does not just provide you with recommendations, it gives you a personalized roadmap to carry out your content marketing strategy while making it a point of honor that your products and services are understood by everyone. all.

We identify the areas where you need to focus your efforts to achieve your growth objectives and we develop a concrete content marketing action plan to help you achieve these objectives.

Get personalized recommendations to improve your business performance with our content marketing diagnostic.

Identify content marketing opportunities and get a roadmap for growing your business.

  • Social media strategy
  • SEO strategy
  • Content strategy
  • Mailing strategy
  • Loyalty strategy & nurturing
  • Newsletter Strategy

Progress of the content marketing diagnosis

  1. Collecting information directly with the client team
  2. Access to customer tools and analysis of KPIs
  3. Competitor benchmarking and market analysis
  4. Definition of the content marketing roadmap
  5. Restitution of the diagnosis with the client team


*This diagnosis can be financed up to 80% by the Hauts-de-France region. Please contact us to verify your eligibility.

Your Content Marketing diagnosis.
In 3 clicks.

Or contact our team to find out more.

They trust us.

Tailor-made training for Content Marketing.

Training, workshop & elearning.

Our content marketing training is designed to help you develop an effective content strategy to quickly grow your business.

We've designed this course to help you master the skills needed to improve your business growth, teaching you best practices in content marketing, content strategy, the latest tools for distributing your marketing content.

Our training is taught by industry experts, who have extensive marketing experience and are passionate about helping businesses to achieve their maximum growth potential.

That you are a beginner entrepreneur or a seasoned marketing professional, our content marketing training is a profitable investment for your professional future.

Our interventions can be done individually or in groups, in person or remotely.

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a marketing strategy that consists of creating and sharing relevant and quality content to attract and retain a target audience.

At Akidel, we offer content marketing services such as the creation of newsletters, blog articles, white papers but also diagnostics to help companies achieve their complex sales objectives.

What are the benefits of Content Marketing for complex sales?

Content marketing for sales of complex products or services makes it easier to understand the benefits of a product.

As a result, the more your prospects understand your products/services and their usefulness, the more easily they are led to buy.

How to create a content strategy for technical products & services?

To create a content strategy for complex products or services, it is important to define a target audience, identify the issues and concerns they encounter, and develop a content plan that provides solutions to their issues. 

You must also identify the most effective distribution channels to propagate your content, such as newsletters, blogs, social networks, email campaigns, etc.

What types of businesses do you support?

We work with a wide variety of companies, from start-ups to small and medium-sized enterprises (TPE & PME). Their common point: complex or technical products or services.

Our experienced team of B2B marketing and sales specialists can customize our offerings to meet your unique business needs.

How to measure the return on investment of your content marketing strategy for technical products & services?

To measure the ROI of your content marketing strategy for this kind of product, you can use analytics tools to track conversion rate, sales generated, and acquisition costs.

You can also monitor comments, interactions and internal tools that some networks have to measure the engagement of your target audience.

What content marketing services does Akidel offer?

Akidel offers a variety of content marketing services for B2B companies wishing to sell a technical product.

Preparation of white papers, distribution of newsletters, creation of SEO-optimized blog articles, but also training in content marketing.

You will have all the tools at your disposal to achieve your results thanks to content marketing.

How can creating newsletters help increase sales?

Newsletters are a great way to keep your customers and prospects informed about new offers, product updates, and company news.

By sending regular newsletters to your subscribers, you can build trust and engagement with your audience, which can ultimately lead to increased sales.

How does Akidel make sure to respect the confidentiality of my data?

At Akidel, we take the privacy and security of your data very seriously.

We adhere to the highest security standards to protect your data from security breaches.

We only use your data for the provision of our services and do not share it with third parties without your prior consent.

What are Akidel's terms and conditions of sale for its online digital marketing services?

Akidel's general conditions of sale for its online digital marketing services are described in the special conditions annexed to the general conditions of sale. 

The customer can subscribe to the services offered by Akidel after having read their respective characteristics.

How can I learn more about the results obtained by Akidel for its customers?

We are proud of our achievements and regularly post case studies on our blog to give you insight into our work.

We can also provide you with references from satisfied clients to help you make an informed decision about our growth marketing services.

What is Content Marketing for Complex Sales?

Content Marketing for Complex Sales is a marketing strategy that involves creating quality content for products or services that require a complex buying process.

This strategy aims to make a product or service understood before trying to sell it.

Once the product or service is understood, it becomes much easier to generate qualified leads, improve conversion and maximize return on investment.

How to create quality content for sales of technical products or services?

To do this, it is important to create content with high added value.

That is to say, content that is informative when it comes to the specificities and advantages of your products or services.

This content will speak directly to your target audience, which will shorten their buying journey. In summary, the content will be clear, concise and easy to understand while offering detailed information about your product or service.

What types of content work best for complex products & services?

The types of content that work best for technical products or services are high value content.
They provide detailed information about your product or service, while helping visitors understand how they can solve their specific problems.

These can be distributed as case studies, how-to videos, white papers, webinars, and more.

What are the common mistakes to avoid in content marketing serving complex products & services?

The biggest mistake to avoid in Content Marketing for technical products & services is to assume that everyone understands your product.

Other mistakes can also emerge such as lack of market research, creating content that is not relevant to your target audience, lack of analytics metrics to assess the effectiveness of your strategy and neglect of engagement with your target audience.

How can Akidel help businesses improve their content marketing?

At Akidel, we offer a variety of content marketing services, such as creating newsletters, blog posts, white papers, to help businesses achieve their sales goals.

We specialize in B2B marketing for technical products and are committed to providing tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of each business.

How to choose the offers to propose in your content marketing strategy?

To choose the offers that best suit your strategy, it is important for us to know who your target audience is, to understand their needs and expectations.

We can also base ourselves on your previous results to determine together the offer that best suits you.

What are the benefits of blogging for B2B companies?

Blogging is an effective way to establish your expertise in your field and drive traffic to your website.

For B2B businesses, blogging can help attract qualified leads and convert them into loyal customers.

Blogs can also be used to showcase case studies and customer testimonials, which can help build credibility for your business.

What are the benefits of creating white papers for tech companies or complex industries?

These allow you to educate as much as possible about a specific product or service. Making your prospect all the keys to understanding your product or service and how it can help them.

It allows your company to show all its expertise and answer all potential questions from prospects.

How can I start working with Akidel?

Simply contact us via the contact form or to book an appointment on the agenda of our experts here. We will then make an appointment with you to discuss your needs and goals.

We can then provide you with a detailed proposal and start working together to improve the growth of your business.

Finally! All your content in one place.

Newsletter, Social Networks, Blog, White Paper.
No more products that are too complex to be sold.

Your tailor-made content.

Our expertise at the service of your products and services.


By sending personalized emails to your audience, you can inform them of the latest offers and news from your site, remind them of the products or services you offer and continue to make them understandable.

Diagnosis "Content Marketing"

You do not know where to start ? Is your content marketing strategy not paying off? It is then time to rethink all this in the company of our experts. This will allow you to put in place concrete actions that will help you achieve your goals.


What better way to educate your prospects about your market, your product and especially the problems they solve than through blog articles. These allow you to share a lot of information to make your product much more understandable and attractive to your future customers.

White Book.

White papers are a huge hit with companies wanting to get their complex products or services understood. Indeed, the latter are not subject to restrictions. From how-to guides to case studies, white papers are a powerful ally for complex sales.

Discover our client cases.

Tech, industry or cybersecurity.


No more products that are too complex to be sold!

Why do a content marketing diagnosis?

Why do a content marketing diagnosis?Discover the importance of performing a content marketing diagnosis to boost your strategy!Content marketing has become one of the...

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