BtoB Growth Platform & Agency.



+21 Million BtoB contacts. Automating. Data.



By your side to grow.

Targeted campaigns

All your acquisition and loyalty campaigns with our btob growth marketing platform & agency. Whether it's emailing, advertising or LinkedIn automation, you can count on us.

We do for you.

Our marketing sales team becomes yours for one or more actions. Strengthen yourself with our btob growth marketing platform & agency.

Consulting & Training.

Take control of your performance thanks to our flexible and human support.

Our goal: to make you autonomous at 100% in order to sustain your performance.

Agence growth marketing btob. Growth. Acquisition.

Licenses & platform.

Access our platform & centralize all your sales & marketing actions.

We do with you.

As a team with your team, we are here to boost you, offer you different tactics and make our brains available to you.

Mission 360.

We will be able to mobilize all the digital, marketing and commercial actions necessary to succeed in our mission. Count on our growth marketing platform & agency btob.


 For our autonomous customers, we offer the following options:

-> Access to our AKIDEL commercial marketing platform: AKIDEL licenses.

-> We do with them, not for them. : Campaign by your side.

-> Punctual advice with our experts on marketing, commerce and digital.

-> Training of our customers' employees when needed.

-> Performance Audit/Diagnosis and action plan.

-> Join our AKIDEL community: mutual aid & sharing. (Whatsapp + Slack).

This option concerns you if:

-You have your marketing, commercial or digital department: SME, VSE or Startup in consolidation/growth.

-You have already carried out marketing or commercial actions via digital.

-You have one or more collaborators (or external partners) who master the subject.

-You have already tested one or more tools on the market (lemlist, dropcontact, waalaxy, the growth machine, etc.).

Not autonomous.

For our non-autonomous customers, we offer the following options:

-> Mission 360 with our btob growth marketing agency: whatever the objective to be achieved (marketing, commerce, digital).

-> Access to our commercial platform with an expert: Licenses AKIDEL.

 -> We do for you. : All-in-one campaign.

-> Punctual advice with our experts on marketing, commerce and digital.

-> Autonomy via our training modules, our bootcamps and our workshops.

-> Performance Audit/Diagnosis and action plan.

This option concerns you if:

-You do not have a marketing, sales or digital department.

-You are a small team or on your own account: independent, freelance, trainer, consultant...

-You are a VSE or Startup in launch / development.

-You do not have collaborators (or external partners) who master the subject.

-You discover this universe and start from 0.

The offer of the moment until 29/03/2023.

Campaign by your side.

Your btob growth marketing platform & agency from 1200 ? HT.

1- Definition of your campaign strategy: who, what, how. 

2- Generation of your email, linkedin and telephone contact files. No additional cost, our databases are at your disposal.

3- Programming of 1 to 6 automatic scenarios. Analysis, adjustment with you and reprogramming of 1 to 3 automatic scenarios within the same service.

4- Access to our marketing & sales platform and real-time results tracking

5- Analysis, restitution of post-campaign results and recommendations.

6- OFFERED SETUP: Installation of website tracking, preheating of email addresses, domain name and redirection…

*The campaign takes place on average over a month. Possibility of shortening or extending the deadlines.

*The total volume of contacts per campaign is limited to 3000 contacts. 

*GDPR compliant. Secure servers hosted in France.
Signature of the contract, initiation of payment and implementation of the service within 48 hours.

Launch your campaign NOW !

Very specific needs?

If you are looking to set up a personalized marketing & sales campaign, we can help you.

Our btob growth marketing agency can help you define your target audience, the most appropriate communication channels and the most relevant messages to arouse the interest of your prospects.

Talk to an AKIDEL expert.


We answer
to all your questions.


1. What are the sources of your files?

We have three main sources of data:  

1-The public database 

It is made up from files already compiled by specialized professional directories and leaders in their fields: The database of legal information from INSEE, Infogreffe, Bodacc, Legi France, RNCS, Verif. com,,, the portal for chambers of commerce and industry, the official directory of artisans, open data files from public administrations, health, education, associations?

2-Data via enrichment by artificial intelligence & LinkedIn 

Our own enrichment algorithm allows us to generate professional email addresses from public data (last name, first name, website, social network?)

3-Data via Google Maps and Google Search

Our interfacing with Google (google maps and google search) allows us to automatically access all google data, available to the general public.

All Google My Business listings on google maps are therefore available to you in one click.

2. Will we have access to your BtoB database?

At the end of each scenario or marketing/sales campaign, you can retrieve the entire file containing the details of the contacts generated during the campaign: email address, phone number, linkedin profile, company name, scoring, import date? 

You can retrieve only contacts who have shown an interest in your campaign: opening of the email, click or response.

If you want to recover the entire database or buy only data, you should contact an AKIDEL expert who will make you a proposal according to your needs.

The final file becomes yours, the GDPR responsibility is also transferred to you at this time.

3. Is your platform GDPR compliant?

The detailed answer can be found here: 

In summary, Our database is hosted in France on secure servers at OVH.

We have several partner websites from which we collect opt-in data.

All our contacts have a right of inspection and can request to be deleted from our database.

We do not hold any data becausesensitive act allowing the clear identification of a natural person (medical data, identity number, personal address, etc.).

Moreover :  

  • We only work on B2B data, not subject to prior consent as stipulated by the CNIL by the e-Privacy directive, transposed into French law.
  • AKIDEL respects the obligation to put an unsubscribe link on each campaign of our customers, to inform the Internet user of the information that we hold, the origin of the collection as well as the deletion of his information that we hold.
  • It is also possible to exclude the mail, the domain, the SIRET/SIREN? of the company so as not to prospect them any longer. This function is also accessible for each of our customers.

A document summarizing the SNCD, the professional organization representing the Data Marketing Industry : (General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data).

4. What are your open, click, response, bounce rates? ?

This is one of the most asked questions by our clients before signing.

All of these rates depend on your campaign strategy. 

We can have rates on campaigns that are close to 60% as we can have others below 15%… 

What is certain is that the error/bounce rate on the generated contact data never exceeds 6%.

5. What are the results obtained by your clients?

It all depends on the objective of the campaign. 

An awareness campaign is not comparable to a commercial campaign or a partnership campaign.

All our clients, without exception, have had positive interactions with their target audience thanks to our methods and solutions.

However, it is important to emphasize that the final conversion phase depends on the follow-up effort of the client team.

Our added value is to create the link and the interest of exchange between you and your target audience.

The rest is up to you.

6. What are the necessary steps to launch an AKIDEL marketing/sales campaign?

The short / express version: 

->Online payment and receipt of the invoice

-> Transmission of all campaign information by email or via our campaign form.

-> Dissemination of the campaign and real-time monitoring of results on the AKIDEL platform

->Analysis & reporting of campaign results

End of the campaign.

The full version: 

1-Signature of the contract & transfer 

2-Creation of your space on the platform

3-RDV 1: definition of the campaign strategy and collection of information

4-SETUP: website tracking, preheating of email addresses, secondary domain name?

5-Broadcast of part 1 of the campaign

6-Adjustment & analysis of results

7-Broadcast of part 2 of the campaign

8-RDV 2: analysis and final restitution of the campaign

End of the campaign.

7. Who will create the campaign messages and content?

If you opt for the ?All in one? campaign, our BtoB marketing team will become yours for the duration of a campaign and will write all the writing for your campaign. And much more if needed (blog, nurturing, social networks?)

If you opt for another option, it will be up to you to write the writing for your campaigns.

8. How will my e-reputation be preserved if I send thousands of e-mails?

Our btob growth marketing agency has implemented processes that allow our clients to prospect every week, while preserving their brand image and e-reputation.

The first recommendation is to carry out all marketing/commercial actions on a secondary domain name, different from the official domain name of the company.

The second principle lies in our deliverability standards: limited number of emails sent per customer, monitoring of essential metrics after the campaign (volume of unsubscribers, bounce rate, opening rate?). 

Third, our BtoB experts define strategies focused on bringing value to the final audience, so that they are always well perceived.

Finally, at the end of each campaign, we carry out a cleaning of the databases in order to avoid contacting the prospects detected following the previous campaigns.

9. How can I create an account on

Contact an Akidel expert at or go directly to the registration page:

10. Does Akidel take a commission on generated business?

We are remunerated only on the services provided for our customers and do not take any percentage on sales or appointments generated.

Our prices are transparent, all the clauses are detailed in our contracts and our general conditions.

11. How can I guarantee the security of my personal information on Akidel?

Our platform is hosted on secure servers in France by OVH and other French partners.

All of our clients' AKIDEL data is stored on secure servers in France and is subject to a confidentiality clause as indicated in all our service contracts.

12. How are your prospecting emails sent?

We have two emailing techniques, the sending will depend on the chosen technique: 

Mass emailing (eg Mailchimp, Send In Blue, Mailjet?)

SMTP emailing (ex Lemlist, or with your own Gmail or Office 365 host?)

In both cases, we will recommend that you have a domain name different from your official domain name, in order to create email addresses on it and then carry out all emailing actions without impacting your e-reputation.

13. How is the connection with the CRM made?

AKIDEL is integrated with Zapier, so you can transfer interesting contacts automatically, by defining your transfer rules, for example, transfer into your CRM from AKIDEL only contacts who have responded positively or who have spent more than 30 seconds on your website. 

Everything is possible.

If you do not use Zapier, you can export all your data to a .CSV file and import them into your CRM.

14. Which targets can be addressed with AKIDEL?

Your imagination is the only limit. BtoC too?

As long as the targets are contacted in a BtoB framework, you have access to all targets: 

-> Geolocation (France or International)

-> Professional function

-> Sector of activity, turnover, net income, share capital and workforce of the company

-> Website technology and presence on social networks

-> Centers of interest (ecology, new technologies?)


15. What differentiates the AKIDEL platform from other marketing tools?

There is no other platform as of today (06/03/2023) that includes all the features of Akidel:  

-> France public database, data via enrichment and LinkedIn and data via Google

-> Marketing automation via 4 channels: Email, LinkedIn, SMS, Voicemail

-> Mass emailing & SMTP emailing

-> Automatic A/B testing of email subject lines 

-> Advanced tracking and scoring of your contacts

-> LinkedIn & Email multi-account connection from the same space

And much more ?

16. What differentiates the AKIDEL agency from other agencies?

The mindset of excellence. 

We are not the most innovative, the most aggressive, the most “pirate”?

On the other hand, whatever we do, we do it with excellence!

The rest don't interest us?

Our clients ? They are loyal to us.

Some have even joined us since the creation of our agency in 2018 and are still with us in the adventure! Do we have to provide them with concrete results so that they continue with us? ?

The data collected since our creation (and which continues to grow every day!) allows us to quickly achieve concrete results with our clients, whatever the objective to be achieved.

17. Can you accompany us internationally?

My pleasure.

Our btob growth marketing agency is already present via our clients in all continents (except Asia and Antarctica?).

18. Do you manage other languages?

Whatever your language, our processes are flexible and built to integrate experts in your language.

How our platform & digital agency can help you.

Development of your LinkedIn network via our digital agency btob

LinkedIn can be used today in several contexts: developing your local network, finding new customers, partners or collaborators, evangelizing your product/service/expertise?. 

IN SHORT, the prospects are limitless, if your imagination is.

We support our clients via our digital agency in the triptych: branding / content / automation of outgoing actions (sending connection requests, sending messages, etc.).

Depending on your objective, your context, we will be able to mobilize this channel on its own or in resonance with other actions, emailing, phoning, or Inbound and content creation.

#prospectingbtob #automationlinkedin #commercialbtob #automated prospecting #multi-channel prospecting #personalized prospecting


acquisition btob, agence digitale btob à Lille, prospection btob,

Acquisition new customers via our btob database

How to find new customers? How to initiate qualified appointments? How to supply yourself or your sales representatives with pre-closed qualified leads? How to implement a business development plan very quickly? How to achieve your growth objectives through digital acquisition?

Define an evolving prospecting strategy, segment your targets, generate enriched prospect files with qualified email addresses, write emails that convert whatever the objective, measure, analyze, consolidate and improve your performance over time. 

Our recipe has allowed us to retain customers for up to 2 years.


#acquisitionbtob #coldmailing #prospectingbtob

#prospect #growth #commercialbtob

Inbound? Outbound? Communication ? Prospecting? Let's find the right chemistry.

Inbound and Outbound are two very complementary strategies. If your inbound is good, ie your content brings value to your target and your actions succeed in attracting prospects, it's a shame to stay on that. Because it is exactly at this moment that the Outbound component can be super powerful, using all the inbound resources and the data collected in order to seek prospects directly and quickly.

Prospecting and communication are therefore very complementary, when you manage to find the right alchemy, growth happens easily, quickly and for a long time.

We can help you find the right chemistry.


#digitalcommunication #prospecting #digitalagency #inboundmarketing 1TP5Allboundmarketing #coldmailing

A question ?
Another request?

More than 60 companies supported by our digital agency.

A question ?
A demand ?

They accelerated and consolidated their business with our digital agency btob AKIDEL

Our clients have appreciated the quality of our services and the concrete feedback from their btob digital campaigns.

acquisition btob, agence digitale btob à Lille, prospection btob,

The team is young, dynamic, voluntary, attentive to its customers. I had the opportunity to use the services of AKIDEL and the empathy and the search for excellence of the whole team allowed us to deal effectively with the challenges encountered to ultimately offer us a customer experience and a positive return on investment.

Richard F.

Vice President Sales & Country Manager, France & EMEA

Lighthouse quote my opinion

What “talent” this team! I recommend 200 %!
? a monitoring tool, ergonomic, easy to use,
? A responsive and efficient team,
? A tailor-made service that generates leads and allows you to develop your business!
cheer !!!! thank you all for being with us for the organization of

Christine J.

Industry Advisor & Professional Events Organizer

Lighthouse quote my opinion

The AKIDEL team has a very appreciable dynamism and sense of service.

I entrusted them with a prospecting campaign which was successful thanks to the methodology for calibrating the commercial approach, and the ability to adjust the strategy according to the first feedback.

Damien G.

Serial Entrepreneur, Advisor, Investor

Lighthouse quote my opinion

AKIDEL is a dynamic company at the service of its customers. Riad (the founder) and his team are very professional and seek the best solution, at the best cost and at the best timing to make his client succeed in achieving his objectives. They don't give up! I recommend.

Nathalie N.

Founder & Director

A question ?
A demand ?

The AKIDEL accompaniment in a few words.

+60 customers

supported: service, industry, cybersecurity, real estate, consulting, etc.


Emailing, LinkedIn, Social networks, SMS, VMS.

Custom made.

Our services are adapted to your budget and your context.

B2B Experts

we have surrounded ourselves with the best digital partners.


our bases and our processes
are GDPR compliant.


technical and operational support
by email, phone or video.

Simple. Fast. Effective.
You are 3 steps away from your goal.


Framework, strategy and collection of information


Validation of btob acquisition campaign resources and implementation of prerequisites


Start of the campaign


Activation of qualified leads and post-campaign adjustment


Analysis, restitution and closure of your campaign

AKIDEL – BtoB digital agency

Work. Ambition. Humility.

One more digital agency? Yes. But not like the others.

We are not the most innovative, the most aggressive, the most “pirate”….
On the other hand, whatever we do, we do it with Excellency !

It's a choice. It is a state of mind.
We are very demanding, we are developing our BtoB digital agency in France and abroad, with excellence, humanity and passion.

The rest don't interest us?

Our clients ? They are us faithful.
Some even joined us when our agency was created in 2018 and are still with us in adventure! We have to provide them with concrete results so that they continue with us…?

There data gathered since our creation (and which continues to grow every day!) allows us to?quickly achieve concrete results with our customers, whatever the objective to be achieved.

Discover our concrete, detailed and multi-sector btob acquisition customer cases.

You have a project in mind

When are we discussing it?

3 + 9 =

We respond
almost always
within the hour!

From Monday to Friday
9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
