How to sell more by making your products understood.

Discover how to sell more by making your products more understandable for your customers! Our blog post walks you through effective strategies for clearly communicating the features and benefits of your products to maximize your conversions. Learn how to adapt your language, simplify explanations and arouse the interest of your potential customers. Don't let your products remain in the shadows, read our article now and boost your sales by making your products understood in a convincing way, following SEO-friendly methods.

You could sell more. Unfortunately, no one understands your products. This is a frustrating situation for many business owners who struggle to effectively communicate the features and benefits of their products. Fortunately, there are several ways to remedy this. In this article, we'll explore effective strategies to help you communicate better with your target audience, increase your sales, and improve your return on investment.



If you're a business owner, you probably know the feeling of frustration when your sales stagnate or decline. You may have invested significant resources in the development and production of your products, but you are struggling to convince potential customers of their value.

This is where communication comes in. Being able to communicate effectively about your products is essential to being able to sell them successfully. In this article, we will give you tips to improve your communication and increase your sales.


You could sell more. Unfortunately, no one understands your products.

This title is probably the most appropriate to describe your current situation. You have an amazing product, but nobody seems to understand it. How can you remedy this? Here are some strategies:

Describe benefits, not just features
Customers don't care about the features of your product, they want to know how it can solve their problem or improve their life. Instead of just listing the features of your product, highlight the benefits it can bring to your customers. For example, if you sell wireless headphones, instead of just saying they have a long battery life, say that customers can listen to music for hours without having to worry about the battery.

Use customer testimonials
Customer testimonials are a great way to show your potential customers that your products are loved by other people. Testimonials can help build trust in your product and convince hesitant customers to make a purchase. Be sure to collect honest and genuine testimonials from satisfied customers.

Use visuals
Visuals are a great way to communicate your product's benefits and features. Photos and videos can help potential customers visualize the product and better understand how it works. Make sure to choose high-quality visuals that show your product in its best light.

Use simple words
Try to communicate about your product with simple and clear words. Avoid using technical terms or complicated words that could make it difficult to understand your product. If you use technical terms, be sure to explain them clearly.

Listen to feedback from your customers
Your customers may have feedback about your product or business. Listen carefully to their feedback and use it to improve your communication and your products. If a customer complains about a specific feature of your product, use that information to improve your product or to better communicate about that feature.

Offer a satisfaction guarantee
Offering a satisfaction guarantee to your customers can help them feel more confident when purchasing your product. This guarantee can also help ease the worries of potential customers who might be reluctant to make a purchase. Make sure you understand the terms of your satisfaction guarantee and communicate them clearly to your customers.

How to improve your communication?

Now that we've discussed some strategies for better communicating your products, here are some more general tips for improving your communication with your customers.

Define your target audience
It is important to understand who you are talking to before you start communicating. Clearly define your target audience, including demographics, interests, and needs. Use this information to tailor your communication to your audience.

Be consistent
Make sure your communication is consistent across all the channels you use, including your website, social media, ads, and email messages. Use a consistent tone and voice to build brand recognition and help customers feel confident.

Avoid jargon and complex sentences
As we mentioned earlier, it is important to use simple and clear words in your communication. Avoid jargon and complex phrases that could make it difficult to understand your product. If you must use technical terms, be sure to explain them clearly.

Use stories
Stories can be a great way to communicate about your product. Use stories that illustrate how your product has helped a customer or solved a specific problem. Stories can help create an emotional connection with your potential customers.

be honest
Be honest in your communication with your customers. Avoid false claims or promises you can't keep. If you are having issues with your product or business, communicate honestly with your customers and work to resolve the issue.


How do I know if my target audience understands my products?
You can conduct market testing or surveys to get feedback on understanding your product. You can also ask friends or family members who are unfamiliar with your business to review your communication and provide feedback.

How can I create genuine customer testimonials?
You can ask your satisfied customers to provide written testimonials or videos. Make sure you don't offer rewards in exchange for testimonials, as this may compromise the authenticity of the reviews.

How can I improve understanding of my product?
You can perform usability testing to assess how easy your product is to use. You can also ask friends or family members who are unfamiliar with your product to use it and provide feedback on understanding.

How can I find the appropriate tone for my communication?
Defining your target audience can help determine the appropriate tone. If your target audience is young and laid back, you can use a more informal tone in your communication. If your target audience is older and professional, a more formal tone may be more appropriate.

How can I create stories to communicate about my product?
Think of scenarios or situations where your product has helped a customer or solved a specific problem. Use these scenarios to create stories that can help communicate the benefits of your product.

How can I resolve issues with my product or business?
Listen to your customers' feedback and work to resolve issues as they arise. Be transparent in your communication with your customers about problems and proposed solutions.


Clearly communicating your products is essential to selling successfully. Make sure you understand your target audience, use simple, clear language, tell stories, and be honest in your communication. By working on improving your communication, you could sell more and attract new customers. Remember that your customers are your best source of feedback and listening to them can help you improve your products and communication. With a little effort, you can improve your communication and sell successfully. You could sell more. Unfortunately, no one understands your products. But now you have the tools to change that.

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