With our offer “Campaigns by your side”

AKIDEL  deploys its expertise in growth marketing for your campaigns B2B, at the service of your business development.

You send us the details of your campaign, we put everything in place. From the generation of contact lists to distribution.

They trust us every month.

Content of your campaign.

Order the offer the most popular.

Broadcast of 9 scenarios.

Your campaign will consist of 9 scenarios in total to be broadcast on the targets and channels you want.

A scenario can contain between 1 and 4 different sequences via Email, LinkedIn, SMS or voice message.

Broadcast in 3 stages.

  • 1st time : pre-warming email addresses and launching the campaign
  • 2nd time : cruising speed reached by email addresses and distribution at full speed
  • 3rd time : adjustment checkpoint with the client team, definition of adjustments to be integrated into the rest of the campaign and dissemination of the new and final scenarios of the campaign -> Analysis and final restitution of the campaign -> End of the service.

Generation of the contact file with integration of scraping and enrichment in the service.

Creation of a contact file including automated data collection via scraping and their enrichment to guarantee complete and reliable information (email addresses, LinkedIn profiles, etc.). The service offers a structured file, ready to use for your growth, marketing or sales campaigns.

Complete pre-campaign SETUP: pre-warming email addresses, website tracking, etc.

Complete set-up before the campaign: creation of a domain name dedicated to prospecting, pre-warming of email addresses to ensure good deliverability, connection of LinkedIn accounts for better integration, consideration of customer exclusion lists to avoid duplicates, and configuration of tracking of visits to the website for precise monitoring of performance.

Captcha management, bypassing Mailinblack filters, database cleaning and unsubscription support.

Automated captcha support to ensure smooth operations and efficient bypass of Mailinblack filters to ensure email deliverability. The service also includes regular database cleaning to eliminate duplicates and obsolete contacts, as well as proactive unsubscription management to meet compliance standards and maintain the quality of mailings.

Introduction to the Akidel tool and supervision of the client team for effective management of the results obtained.

The introduction to the Akidel tool includes a detailed presentation of its main functionalities, adapted to the specific needs of the client team for rapid handling. Personalized coaching is offered to train team members in the analysis and interpretation of the results obtained via the tool. The objective is to ensure autonomous and optimized performance management, thus facilitating campaign monitoring and strategic decision-making.

Data recovery and seamless integration into the client's existing tools (CRM).

Data retrieval is done automatically via the client's Zapier account, ensuring accurate and continuous collection of relevant information for the client. This data is then seamlessly and transparently integrated into the client's existing tools, such as their CRM (Sellsy, Hubspot, Salesforce, Zoho, etc.) for direct access and uninterrupted use. The client can also export campaign data as a .csv file.

Using our AI to generate your contact lists and write the texts for your campaigns.

Our AI offers you an automated solution to generate targeted contact lists based on specific criteria, thus improving the quality of your campaigns. In addition to this generation, the AI also writes personalized and optimized texts, adapted to your audience to maximize engagement.

* The campaign is billed at 900? excluding VAT if the order includes more than 3 campaigns.

Content of your campaign.

Order the offer the most popular.

Broadcast of 9 scenarios.

Your campaign will consist of 9 scenarios in total to be broadcast on the targets and channels you want.

A scenario can contain between 1 and 4 different sequences via Email, LinkedIn, SMS or voice message.

Broadcast in 3 stages.

  • 1st time : pre-warming email addresses and launching the campaign
  • 2nd time : cruising speed reached by email addresses and distribution at full speed
  • 3rd time : adjustment checkpoint with the client team, definition of adjustments to be integrated into the rest of the campaign and dissemination of the new and final scenarios of the campaign -> Analysis and final restitution of the campaign -> End of the service.

Generation of the contact file with integration of scraping and enrichment in the service.

Creation of a contact file including automated data collection via scraping and their enrichment to guarantee complete and reliable information (email addresses, LinkedIn profiles, etc.). The service offers a structured file, ready to use for your growth, marketing or sales campaigns.

Complete pre-campaign SETUP: pre-warming email addresses, website tracking, etc.

Complete set-up before the campaign: creation of a domain name dedicated to prospecting, pre-warming of email addresses to ensure good deliverability, connection of LinkedIn accounts for better integration, consideration of customer exclusion lists to avoid duplicates, and configuration of tracking of visits to the website for precise monitoring of performance.

Captcha management, bypassing Mailinblack filters, database cleaning and unsubscription support.

Automated captcha support to ensure smooth operations and efficient bypass of Mailinblack filters to ensure email deliverability. The service also includes regular database cleaning to eliminate duplicates and obsolete contacts, as well as proactive unsubscription management to meet compliance standards and maintain the quality of mailings.

Introduction to the Akidel tool and supervision of the client team for effective management of the results obtained.

The introduction to the Akidel tool includes a detailed presentation of its main functionalities, adapted to the specific needs of the client team for rapid handling. Personalized coaching is offered to train team members in the analysis and interpretation of the results obtained via the tool. The objective is to ensure autonomous and optimized performance management, thus facilitating campaign monitoring and strategic decision-making.

Data recovery and seamless integration into the client's existing tools (CRM).

Data retrieval is done automatically via the client's Zapier account, ensuring accurate and continuous collection of relevant information for the client. This data is then seamlessly and transparently integrated into the client's existing tools, such as their CRM (Sellsy, Hubspot, Salesforce, Zoho, etc.) for direct access and uninterrupted use. The client can also export campaign data as a .csv file.

Using our AI to generate your contact lists and write the texts for your campaigns.

Our AI offers you an automated solution to generate targeted contact lists based on specific criteria, thus improving the quality of your campaigns. In addition to this generation, the AI also writes personalized and optimized texts, adapted to your audience to maximize engagement.

* The campaign is billed at 900? excluding VAT if the order includes more than 3 campaigns.

Simple. Fast. Effective.

Your growth, sales or marketing campaign takes place in 6 stages.


Signature of the contract and initiation of payment. 

Beginning of the service.


1st start-up meeting 

Collection of information, definition of the campaign strategy and implementation of prerequisites (tracking, preheating of email addresses, etc.)


Preparation of all campaign elements

Generation of contact files, retrieval of texts and programming of campaign scenarios.


D-Day – Launch

Broadcast of 3 to 6 first scenarios. 

Getting started with the AKIDEL Growth Marketing tool by the customer team


Pause, analyze and adjust

Analysis of the first results and programming of 3 to 6 new, adjusted scenarios.


Final restitution

Final analysis of campaign results and recovery of campaign data or renewal of the service. 

End of the service.

Simple. Fast. Effective.

Your growth, sales or marketing campaign takes place in 6 stages.


Signature of the contract and initiation of payment.



Beginning of the service.



1st start-up meeting 

Collection of information, definition of the campaign strategy and implementation of prerequisites (tracking, preheating of email addresses, etc.)


Preparation of all campaign elements

Generation of contact files, retrieval of texts and programming of campaign scenarios.


D-Day – Launch

Broadcast of 3 to 6 first scenarios. 

Getting started with the AKIDEL Growth Marketing tool by the customer team


Pause, analyze and adjust

Analysis of the first results and programming of 3 to 6 new, adjusted scenarios.


Final restitution

Final analysis of campaign results and recovery of campaign data or renewal of the service. 

End of the service.

What is included in detail in your campaign Akidel.

Capacities made available
Scraping and enriching email addresses
what is included in your offer
3000 contacts
Capacities made available
Email addresses - Cold Email
what is included in your offer
10 email addresses with 100 emails/day
Capacities made available
Email address - Newsletter
what is included in your offer
5000 emails / day and 30,000 maximum
Capacities made available
LinkedIn Accounts
what is included in your offer
3 LinkedIn accounts
Capacities made available
AI for text writing
what is included in your offer
Unlimited prompts to generate your campaign texts.
Available features
Cold Emailing (SMTP emailing)
10 email addresses.
Gmail, Outlook, OVH, other.
Sending 100 emails per day.
Available features
Newsletter Mailing (Mass Mailing)
3 email addresses.
Gmail, Outlook, OVH, other.
Sending 5000 emails per day.
Available features
LinkedIn Automation
Connection request.
Visit profile, send message.
Sending 10 to 30 actions per day.
Available features
Scraping from LinkedIn
With your free LinkedIn account.
With your Sales Navigator or our AI.
1000 to 2500 contacts per automatic extraction.
Available features
Targeting by criteria (sector, function, city, etc.)
Sector of activity, city, company name, position of the contact person.
Hierarchical level, keywords, seniority in the company.
Google MAPS, LinkedIn, public data and Google.
Available features
Enriching email addresses
Professional and personal email addresses.
Tested and verified email addresses.
Retrieving found phone numbers.
Available features
AI-assisted writing
ChatGPT 4o.
Unlimited prompts.
Available features
Design and template emails
Drag & Drop editor.
Import your .HTML file.
Available features
Integrated CRM and scoring
Free CRM built in.
Setting up your scoring and sales monitoring.
Automatic nurturing and tagging of prospects.
Available features
Automated Scenarios (Marketing Automation)
Automatic reminders.
In hours or days.
Unlimited number of steps.
Available features
Multichannel: Email, LinkedIn, SMS, Voice message
4 broadcast channels.
Single channel or multichannel.
Available features
Advanced Statistics
Real-time broadcast monitoring from the AKIDEL prospecting tool.
Deliverability, opening, click-through and unsubscribe rates.
Responses received in real time.
Actions included in the service
Strategic support
Collecting information with the client team.
Mid-broadcast checkpoint: analysis of initial results and dissemination of new modified scenarios.
Final checkpoint: restitution of campaign results and recovery of scored contact files.
Actions included in the service
Creating contact lists
Generation of contact lists according to the collected criteria.
Segmentation and sorting of contact lists.
Ability to check lists before broadcast.
Actions included in the service
Text recovery
Correction/finalization of texts received.
Integration of texts, signatures, graphic charter.
Actions included in the service
Creation of automated scenarios
Creation of the scenario sequences.
Creation of campaign interlocutors.
Integration of triggers and transition delays between each sequence of the scenario.
Actions included in the service
Scenario programming
Setting the broadcast date and time.
Integration of exclusion lists (customers, competitors, etc.)
Choice of broadcast days, broadcast slots and campaign end date.
Actions included in the service
Broadcast tracking
Monitoring broadcast continuity.
Continuous support throughout the campaign.
Actions included in the service
Captchas, sorting and processing unsubscribes
Bypassing MailInBlack filters.
Unsubscribe unsubscribed contacts and exclude them from future actions.
Creating a client exclusion file.
Actions included in the service
Getting started with the AKIDEL tool
30 minutes to get started with the scoring, CRM and sales monitoring components.
Platform support 7 days a week - Email or phone.
Actions included in the service
Customer team training
Sales training for post-prospecting sales follow-up
Marketing and growth training for nurturing contacts over 12 months.
Actions included in the service
Data analysis
Analysis of diffusion statistics.
Comparison with the AKIDEL customer base.
Adjustments and modifications to campaign texts and strategy.
Team access
Access to the AKIDEL tool
Real-time multi-account access.
Up to 3 people on the same account.
A single identifier or multiple identifiers.
Team access
Rights management
Ability to hide or make visible certain tabs for certain team members.
Tabs available: targeting, sequences, scenarios, statistics, CRM.
Platform support
+33 9 78 28 80 99
5 days a week - from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Support service
+33 6 95 42 40 75
5 days a week - from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

We respond to all your questions.

1. What is Akidel’s “Campaigns by your side” offer?

The “Campaigns by your side” offer is a solution growth marketing designed for B2B companies wishing to set up or improve their commercial prospecting.

This offer combines automated digital marketing strategies to generate qualified leads, with tailor-made support to maximize your sales performance.

3. What is the cost of this B2B prospecting offer?

The offer starts at 1200 ? per campaign with a monthly payment option. For an ongoing strategy of growth marketing, you can benefit from a reduction of 900 ? per campaign by opting for an annual commitment.

5. How long does it take to see results in B2B commerce?

Results vary depending on the sector and strategies employed.

In the context of growth marketing, our clients generally start to see concrete results within the first few weeks, but a follow-up of several months is recommended for optimal ROI in B2B prospecting.

7. How are prospecting campaigns monitored?

You have a dedicated dashboard to monitor the performance of your campaigns in real time: conversion rate, leads generated, etc.

In addition, a consultant specializing in growth marketing will assist you in adjusting and refining the strategy based on feedback.

9. What types of sectors are best suited to this growth marketing offering?

Our growth marketing solution caters to a wide range of B2B industries, including professional services, technology, manufacturing, and more.

Each strategy is tailored to your specific needs to maximize your sales prospecting performance.

2. What features are included in this growth marketing offer?

This B2B prospecting solution includes:

  • Creation of B2B databases of qualified contacts.
  • Automated management of multi-channel campaigns (email, LinkedIn) to increase the visibility of your business.
  • Writing targeted messages and creating content tailored to your business objectives.
  • Performance tracking with key KPIs, for continuous optimization.
  • Analyzing feedback and adjusting growth marketing strategies for maximum impact.

4. Who is this business prospecting solution for?

This offer is aimed at B2B companies of all sizes who wish to accelerate their growth through effective and personalized growth marketing strategies.

Whether you are a VSE, a start-up, an SME, or a more established company, this solution can adapt to your specific prospecting needs.

6. Can I test this growth marketing offer before committing?

Yes, our prospecting campaigns are without initial commitment. You can launch a single campaign to evaluate the impact of our B2B growth marketing services.

8. How does Akidel protect the confidentiality of my data during growth marketing campaigns?

We apply strict security and privacy standards. Your data is only used for prospecting and B2B commerce, and is never shared without your consent.

10. How can I modify or cancel my subscription to this B2B prospecting offer?

You can change or cancel your subscription at any time by contacting us directly. If you have chosen an annual commitment for your growth marketing strategy, certain specific conditions apply for early cancellation.

They accelerated and consolidated their business with our digital agency AKIDEL.

They appreciated the quality of our services and the concrete feedback from their B2B digital campaigns.

acquisition btob, agence digitale btob à Lille, prospection btob,

Riad is a dynamic, determined young entrepreneur who listens to his clients. I had the opportunity to use the services of his company AKIDEL and Riad?s empathy and search for excellence allowed us to deal effectively with the challenges encountered to ultimately offer us a customer experience and a return on positive investment.

Richard F.

Vice President Sales & Country Manager, France & EMEA

Lighthouse quote my opinion

What “talent” this team! I recommend 200 %!
? a monitoring tool, ergonomic, easy to use,
? A responsive and efficient team,
? A tailor-made service that generates leads and allows you to develop your business!
cheer !!!! thank you all for being with us for the organization of ridy-bourgogne.com

Christine J.

Industry Advisor & Professional Events Organizer

Lighthouse quote my opinion

What immediately appealed to me was Akidel's natural ease to integrate into a structure that did not know.
To this was added a great capacity to store a large volume of information of heterogeneous origins.
I also appreciated their voluntary character strongly oriented customer satisfaction as well as a great ability to be self-contained.

For all these reasons, I would like to recommend the hiring of Akidel on technical positions with strong interaction with the end users.

Business IT - Business Intelligence - Sales, data and marketing B2B

Philip V.

EMEA IT Operations Director

Lighthouse quote my opinion

Riad is an entrepreneur with dynamism and a very appreciable sense of service.

I entrusted his Akidel team with a prospecting campaign which was successful thanks to his methodology for calibrating the commercial approach, and his ability to adjust the strategy according to the first feedback.

Damien G.

Serial Entrepreneur, Advisor, Investor

Lighthouse quote my opinion

I've had the pleasure to work with Akidel to manage the strategic project of recruitment and improving the welcoming process.
The team was autonomous, solution oriented and open minded.
Working with Akidel is pleasant, they are able to listen to many points of views and take them into account when building their own proposals.

Startup transformation digitale et conseil marketing B2B aux entreprises

Christophe H.

@Serendiv (Founder) | Administrator @Germe

Lighthouse quote my opinion

Akidel is a dynamic company at the service of its client. Riad and his team are very professional and seek the best solution, at the best cost and at the best timing to make his client succeed in achieving his objectives. Riad does not give up! I recommend.

Nathalie N.

Founder & Director

Lighthouse quote my opinion

Animation du fichier commercial et suivi marketing automatisé

Francois S.

Manager | President

Lighthouse quote my opinion

It is with great professionalism that Riad and his team accompanied me on my first digital campaign and my btob acquisition. Responsiveness, wise advice, and a sense of the customer were at the meeting. THANKS !

Natasha V.

B2B speaker & trainer

Lighthouse quote my opinion

AKIDEL brings a plus to the life of the company
Ideas and a passion that they brilliantly bring to life
A company to follow to boost your business and your btob acquisition

Michael K.


Your growth automatically.

Tailored offers to boost your results.

You have a project in mind

When are we discussing it?

We respond
(almost) always
within the hour!

Monday to Friday
9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
